Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Touch Exercise Pt.2

The Feeling Bubble

For my second drawing I took from the general idea of our skin being a bubble around us (rather than a single quote in particular). It is fascinating to think that there is so much of us that we have never seen before. It is possible the actual final frontier is right inside us. Anyway, the drawing is mostly images representing what is inside and under our skin. (Heart, Eye, Bone, Stomach) The Brain's representation is more abstract with a background similar to the style of computer code. The border shows the outside world bouncing off the bubble, which because of the plate's tactile surface, is an actual 3D bubble.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Touch Exercise Pt. 1

Subliminal Touch

"It [contact or touch] probably reminds us of that time, long before deadlines and banks, when our mothers cradled us and we were enthralled and felt perfectly lovable."

 - Diane Ackerman, "Touch"

In this exercise, I drew the symbols of stress and "deadlines" melting away in the gentle embrace of the arms below. The border of the image represents the sun and the warmth it brings, while the choice of using a plate for the image's surface was to bring a more tactile surface to the image. Also the plate creates a glow above the image and a soft shadow below where the arms cradle the rest of the image.

My thoughts on the quote? I agree with the idea that even the smallest touch makes anything more personal, however I could see some cases where shock could come into play when contact is made, rather than cradling love - but I still agree that the warmth of contact prevails the majority of the time and maybe subconsciously the rest of the time. Finally, I not only think that this touch reminds us of our own personal youth, but also unconsciously of a simpler and more natural time of our ancestors.

Continued on Pt 2 . . .